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Sunday, January 26, 2003

Easter Egg Hunt

When I got home from work, I was still royally pissed off about the asshole (see below). Cory tried to distract me by going on a little DVD "Easter Egg" hunt. If you don't know what "Easter Eggs" are, click here. We found some outtakes on his Star Wars DVDs, and a couple of deleted scenes in Terminator 2. The problem is, I'm not a big DVD fan. I love watching movies, and I like documentaries, but it's just a lot of work to find a little 2-minute clip, you know? It's like buying the video or the DVD itself. I don't really enjoy watching the same movie over and over and over again, so I don't see the need to buy a movie. I own maybe 10 videos, and most of them were gifts. There are a few I've never even watched.

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