Happy Hurricane Season!
That's right, kids... it's June First, and that means the first official day of Hurricane Season. I just read that 36% of all U.S. hurricanes hit the state of Florida. And, apparently, nobody is ever prepared. Just ask Dave Barry.
This week, Cory and I went hurricane shopping. Gov. Jeb Bush signed off on a tax-free hurricane supply "holiday," so what better time to buy all of our supplies (Unfortunately, many items we needed were not on the tax-free list... but I'll take what I can get).
Since Cory and I both work in television news, we're not allowed to evacuate if a hurricane is headed our way. Instead, we get to set up camp at work, living there until the crisis is over. His station has a shower. I don't think ours does-- though if the water isn't working, what difference does that make?
Because we need to ride out the storms at work, we need things like toiletry kits in addition to normal hurricane supplies.
Some of the items we purchased during the last week:
2 Faraday Flashlights (tax-free)
8 Gallon Jugs of water
2-24 packs of 12-oz water bottles
Large drink cooler (tax-free)
plentiful "Blue Ice" (tax-free)
trial size soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, hairspray, cotton swabs, and something called "Odor Cide."
hand sanitizer
spare toothbrushes
Body powder
Giant-size container of baby wipes
Portable AM/FM/Weather radio which also has TV sound (tax-free)
More batteries than I have fingers and toes (tax-free)
Cell phone chargers for the car (tax-free)
Battery for the keyless remote on my company car
So-ugly-they're-cool Rubber Rain Boots
"Pet Taxi" for Zoe (she's such a good little passenger that we've never needed one)
There are still a lot of things we need to buy-- I need a sleeping bag for work, we need to buy a drill (for installing plywood on our windows), and at some point, Zoe needs all of her shots. Shhh. Don't tell her.
Fortunately, Florida's never had a major hurricane hit in the month of June. July and August are fairly calm, too... but in September, the you-know-what hits the fan. Oh, goody.
This week, Cory and I went hurricane shopping. Gov. Jeb Bush signed off on a tax-free hurricane supply "holiday," so what better time to buy all of our supplies (Unfortunately, many items we needed were not on the tax-free list... but I'll take what I can get).
Since Cory and I both work in television news, we're not allowed to evacuate if a hurricane is headed our way. Instead, we get to set up camp at work, living there until the crisis is over. His station has a shower. I don't think ours does-- though if the water isn't working, what difference does that make?
Because we need to ride out the storms at work, we need things like toiletry kits in addition to normal hurricane supplies.
Some of the items we purchased during the last week:
2 Faraday Flashlights (tax-free)
8 Gallon Jugs of water
2-24 packs of 12-oz water bottles
Large drink cooler (tax-free)
plentiful "Blue Ice" (tax-free)
trial size soap, shampoo, conditioner, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, hairspray, cotton swabs, and something called "Odor Cide."
hand sanitizer
spare toothbrushes
Body powder
Giant-size container of baby wipes
Portable AM/FM/Weather radio which also has TV sound (tax-free)
More batteries than I have fingers and toes (tax-free)
Cell phone chargers for the car (tax-free)
Battery for the keyless remote on my company car
So-ugly-they're-cool Rubber Rain Boots
"Pet Taxi" for Zoe (she's such a good little passenger that we've never needed one)
There are still a lot of things we need to buy-- I need a sleeping bag for work, we need to buy a drill (for installing plywood on our windows), and at some point, Zoe needs all of her shots. Shhh. Don't tell her.
Fortunately, Florida's never had a major hurricane hit in the month of June. July and August are fairly calm, too... but in September, the you-know-what hits the fan. Oh, goody.
Labels: weather
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