Sportslady's Soapbox
Those of you that know me know that I'm not a fan of hunting. Now, I know a few hunters, and most of the ones I know hunt both for sport and for food... Something I could never do, but something I find much less despicable than people who hunt "for the rush I git when I kill somethin'."
One thing I find particularly disturbing is when people feel the need to justify their bloodlust using warped logic: Like saying that "we're doing the deer population a favor by killing them. Overpopulation is causing them to starve to death, which is much more humane."
Frankly, that's BS. The most overpopulated animal on this planet is the human. There's not enough food on Earth to feed every human mouth on our globe, so people are starving to death at the rate of tens of thousands a day. Do these hunters also advocate killing off 10,000 humans a day to "do the human population a favor?" Of course not.
But I digress.
Today, my friend Mike blogged about the newest hunting fiasco in Alaska. Despite the fact that Alaskan citizens have voted it down twice, Governor Frank Murkowski and the Alaska Board of Game have decided to institute aerial-assisted wolf hunting to help protect the moose population. Now, I'm all for protecting moose, don't get me wrong. But tracking and shooting wolves from helicopters and small aircraft seems a bit... ummm... too convenient. Gray Wolves, by the way, are common in Alaska, but are an Endangered species and are protected in the lower 48 states because they've been hunted to near-extinction in the continental US.
Anyway, if you feel the same way that I do, you can visit the Friends of Animals webpage and sign this petition.
All right. I'm off my soapbox. I promise, no more political rants for the rest of the month. You have my word.
Those of you that know me know that I'm not a fan of hunting. Now, I know a few hunters, and most of the ones I know hunt both for sport and for food... Something I could never do, but something I find much less despicable than people who hunt "for the rush I git when I kill somethin'."
One thing I find particularly disturbing is when people feel the need to justify their bloodlust using warped logic: Like saying that "we're doing the deer population a favor by killing them. Overpopulation is causing them to starve to death, which is much more humane."
Frankly, that's BS. The most overpopulated animal on this planet is the human. There's not enough food on Earth to feed every human mouth on our globe, so people are starving to death at the rate of tens of thousands a day. Do these hunters also advocate killing off 10,000 humans a day to "do the human population a favor?" Of course not.
But I digress.
Today, my friend Mike blogged about the newest hunting fiasco in Alaska. Despite the fact that Alaskan citizens have voted it down twice, Governor Frank Murkowski and the Alaska Board of Game have decided to institute aerial-assisted wolf hunting to help protect the moose population. Now, I'm all for protecting moose, don't get me wrong. But tracking and shooting wolves from helicopters and small aircraft seems a bit... ummm... too convenient. Gray Wolves, by the way, are common in Alaska, but are an Endangered species and are protected in the lower 48 states because they've been hunted to near-extinction in the continental US.
Anyway, if you feel the same way that I do, you can visit the Friends of Animals webpage and sign this petition.
All right. I'm off my soapbox. I promise, no more political rants for the rest of the month. You have my word.
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