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Monday, June 04, 2007

Canadian Invasion

During tonight's broadcast of game four of the Stanley Cup finals, something unprecedented will happen.

Don Cherry will make his first appearance on a national broadcast in the United States. He'll be appearing during the second intermission report, undoubtedly causing a PR nightmare for NBC sometime around 10pm eastern time. Or at least, we can only hope he'll be as loudmouthed and controversial as he is on the CBC.

I've been looking forward to this since I found out a week ago. To be honest, I'm not sure our nation is ready for him. Sure, the guy's a total blowhard. He's opinionated and closed-minded. And his fashion sense is what some would call questionable.

But how can you not love a guy who supports health insurance for pets? And you thought Canada was just on the cutting edge of human healthcare? Au Contraire!

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