Trial Run
In honor of our engagement, Cory's giving the whole "In sickness and in health" thing a test drive this weekend. This morning, at approximately 11:00 a.m., Cory had three of his wisdom teeth removed.
Happily, he hasn't been nearly as much of a wuss about this as I would have been (or as I probably was... I don't really remember much about my getting my wisdom yanked, since it was 18 years ago).
Seeing him come out of the anesthesia was pretty funny. For those of you who don't know Cory, he's a big dude. Somewhere in the vicinity of 6'5", 280. (ding!) So they had to give him a lot of drugs. And apparently, it was pretty good stuff. They plopped him into a wheelchair, rolled him out of the office, and the whole time, he had a big, goofy, swollen, bloody smile on his face. He was also a total chatterbox the whole way back to the car (with about half a pound of gauze in his mouth, which made everything he said sound like "mmmpfh, fttthphh, muffaah, thppath.") So anyway, we get in his truck for the drive home, and he's grinning at me like a big swollen goofball.
"How ya feelin'?" I ask.
"Mmmmmm.... Euphoric." Cory responds.
Like I said, they gave him some good stuff.
Since then, the euphoria has worn off a bit. Cory's somewhat swollen... despite the fact that he's been sitting around with bags of frozen peas pressed to his cheeks all day.
So, what have we done today? Aside from my trip to WalMart for prescriptions (Hydroco/APAP, which is like extra-strength Tylenol with a powerful narcotic added), gauze, and tea bags (some freaky home remedy to stop the bleeding... but it worked, so I'm not questioning it), and my trip to Piggly Wiggly for soft foods (Applesauce, bananas, pudding, ice cream), we haven't done a whole hell of a lot. Mostly, we sat around and watched all the shows that we've TiVo'ed since Christmas.
That's what I forgot to tell y'all... I got Cory TiVo for Christmas. Sure, it's not as cool as an engagement ring, but I think major electronic purchases are just as indicative of a serious commitment, right? Anyway, it's been great so far... We would surely have missed at least one episode of Lost, 24, or Alias already this season otherwise. We're completely caught up on all our favorite shows (which, since we both work nights, it's hard to keep up). The only thing we still have unwatched is the movie Smallpox, which aired on FX when I was in New Orleans.
As awesome as TiVo has been, the most useful Christmas gift this year came from Jan & Steve. They bought us a washer and dryer. No loading the car with laundry baskets every time I need clean undies. No hurried trips to the bank for more quarters while our clothes are in the spin cycle. Very nice.
In honor of our engagement, Cory's giving the whole "In sickness and in health" thing a test drive this weekend. This morning, at approximately 11:00 a.m., Cory had three of his wisdom teeth removed.
Happily, he hasn't been nearly as much of a wuss about this as I would have been (or as I probably was... I don't really remember much about my getting my wisdom yanked, since it was 18 years ago).
Seeing him come out of the anesthesia was pretty funny. For those of you who don't know Cory, he's a big dude. Somewhere in the vicinity of 6'5", 280. (ding!) So they had to give him a lot of drugs. And apparently, it was pretty good stuff. They plopped him into a wheelchair, rolled him out of the office, and the whole time, he had a big, goofy, swollen, bloody smile on his face. He was also a total chatterbox the whole way back to the car (with about half a pound of gauze in his mouth, which made everything he said sound like "mmmpfh, fttthphh, muffaah, thppath.") So anyway, we get in his truck for the drive home, and he's grinning at me like a big swollen goofball.
"How ya feelin'?" I ask.
"Mmmmmm.... Euphoric." Cory responds.
Like I said, they gave him some good stuff.
Since then, the euphoria has worn off a bit. Cory's somewhat swollen... despite the fact that he's been sitting around with bags of frozen peas pressed to his cheeks all day.
So, what have we done today? Aside from my trip to WalMart for prescriptions (Hydroco/APAP, which is like extra-strength Tylenol with a powerful narcotic added), gauze, and tea bags (some freaky home remedy to stop the bleeding... but it worked, so I'm not questioning it), and my trip to Piggly Wiggly for soft foods (Applesauce, bananas, pudding, ice cream), we haven't done a whole hell of a lot. Mostly, we sat around and watched all the shows that we've TiVo'ed since Christmas.
That's what I forgot to tell y'all... I got Cory TiVo for Christmas. Sure, it's not as cool as an engagement ring, but I think major electronic purchases are just as indicative of a serious commitment, right? Anyway, it's been great so far... We would surely have missed at least one episode of Lost, 24, or Alias already this season otherwise. We're completely caught up on all our favorite shows (which, since we both work nights, it's hard to keep up). The only thing we still have unwatched is the movie Smallpox, which aired on FX when I was in New Orleans.
As awesome as TiVo has been, the most useful Christmas gift this year came from Jan & Steve. They bought us a washer and dryer. No loading the car with laundry baskets every time I need clean undies. No hurried trips to the bank for more quarters while our clothes are in the spin cycle. Very nice.
Labels: television, the daily grind
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