552 miles... 1 million more smiles.

My Recent "Tweets"

Monday, August 11, 2003

Call Me "Stretch"

So, this morning, Cory and I got up and did our "Fat-Blasting Yoga" workout. It's mostly stretching exercises, with a lot of balancing, and some low-impact aerobics thrown in to keep your heart pumping.

Egads, it's difficult! I've noticed for quite some time how inflexible I am, but I never realized how poor my balance is. I nearly tipped over several times. The amazing thing is that after half an hour, I was completely pooped out and sweating like crazy.

At first, we thought that we'd be able to do the tape every morning. Now that I've done it, I think tomorrow will have to be a day of rest. My shoulders and neck are kind of achy, and I'm sure tomorrow morning they won't feel much better.

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