I feel so... Appreciated
It's "Team Member Appreciation Week" at work, because we're all such a great team and work so well together (see post from 4/27 if you don't believe me). The funny thing is, though, the only "team members" who are appreciated seem to be the 9-to-5 staffers. Monday through Friday, station management tries to do nice things for all the employees, like cooking a pancake breakfast or having a catered luncheon. Here's the thing: The people who work on the 6pm and 11pm newscasts (our bread and butter) don't come in to work until 2pm or so (we do work until Midnight, after all). So, if we want to be appreciated at the noon luncheon, we have to come in two hours early.
Today was breakfast day... pancakes and eggs for the 9-to-5 folks when they got in to work. Management sent around an email saying that there would be "something special" for the evening staff, too. Apparently, the "something special" was the leftover cookies and soda that the day crew hadn't eaten. The cookies and pop were there when Cory got in at 1pm... and its all that was there for the rest of the night.
We have catered lunches the rest of the week... which means I'll be going to bed earlier just so I can be up in time to "be appreciated." Oh, and if I want to "be appreciated" for five days this week, I have to come in on my days off. See, only Monday-Friday employees are "appreciated", so management doesn't do anything special for the 20 employees who work on the weekends. Nobody in management works on weekends, so it doesn't count, right? Never mind the fact that 1/3 of the news, production, and master control staff work on those days.
It's "Team Member Appreciation Week" at work, because we're all such a great team and work so well together (see post from 4/27 if you don't believe me). The funny thing is, though, the only "team members" who are appreciated seem to be the 9-to-5 staffers. Monday through Friday, station management tries to do nice things for all the employees, like cooking a pancake breakfast or having a catered luncheon. Here's the thing: The people who work on the 6pm and 11pm newscasts (our bread and butter) don't come in to work until 2pm or so (we do work until Midnight, after all). So, if we want to be appreciated at the noon luncheon, we have to come in two hours early.
Today was breakfast day... pancakes and eggs for the 9-to-5 folks when they got in to work. Management sent around an email saying that there would be "something special" for the evening staff, too. Apparently, the "something special" was the leftover cookies and soda that the day crew hadn't eaten. The cookies and pop were there when Cory got in at 1pm... and its all that was there for the rest of the night.
We have catered lunches the rest of the week... which means I'll be going to bed earlier just so I can be up in time to "be appreciated." Oh, and if I want to "be appreciated" for five days this week, I have to come in on my days off. See, only Monday-Friday employees are "appreciated", so management doesn't do anything special for the 20 employees who work on the weekends. Nobody in management works on weekends, so it doesn't count, right? Never mind the fact that 1/3 of the news, production, and master control staff work on those days.
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