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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dreaming of A "Green" Christmas

Here in the Sunshine State, it's never really "Beginning to look a lot like Christmas." Instead, the warm weather means that the holidays sneak up on you. For example, the first Salvation Army bell-ringer I ever saw here was wearing shorts and a tank-top with her Santa hat. You'd never even know Christmas was on the way if it weren't for neighbors who decorate their yards with thousands of twinkling Christmas lights. (often in their palm trees-- also a little odd the first time you see it)

But this time, when I say "Green Christmas," I'm not talking about the Florida weather. This time, I'm talking about the Al Gore-type green. (And on a side note, did you catch Al Gore on "30 Rock" last week? His cameo was great! His best line? "A whale is in trouble! I have to go!" And then he removed his suit jacket a la Clark Kent. Good Stuff)

Those twinkle lights take up a lot of electricity. And in a place like Florida, where we're suffering from a nasty drought, there's a good chance that they could start a fire. Very un-Christmasy.

But, modern technology is making a better, greener Christmas. How? LED holiday lights! Light-emitting diodes use 1/10th of the energy of standard incandescent Christmas lights. Even better, they also create virtually no heat so they're safer, too.

And-- even if you don't care about the environment (and shame on you if that's the case), there's another benefit. If you're like me, you've always dreaded the day you put up the tree because of the remarkable pain in the tuckus that those light strings create. The bulbs break-- or fizzle out-- and suddenly, an entire string of lights doesn't work because of one cruddy bulb. Or, even worse, no matter how neatly you stored the light strings, they emerge from your basement/attic/closet in one giant tangled wad. I've been known to make a special trip to the store to buy a new light kit-- just so I wouldn't have to untangle the lights I already had.

Well, the folks who make these LED lights say they're nearly indestructable. And the wire? Tangle-resistant. Save the planet, save your sanity.

It's a Festivus Miracle!

This Post brought to you by: Holiday LEDs.com

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