Quick Hits
First of all, I tried blogging before the finale of Rock Star: INXS last night. I wanted to list our predictions for posterity's sake. But then Blogger ate my damn post. So here's our predictions, a day late:
1) After Suzie was eliminated last week, Cory said "I think they'll pick J.D.-- but Marty will be much more successful in the long term."
2) My prediction: "I predict that if J.D. becomes the new lead singer, I'll never buy another INXS album."
So J.D. won and INXS will never grace my shopping cart again... but Marty got the consolation prize: The band is considering having him as the opening act on their next world tour. Not a bad deal. I'd go to that concert a) to see Marty perform-- and b) to see the look of regret in the band's eyes when they have to take the stage with that psychopath jerkoff J.D.
Second, Cory and I are back in our apartment. It's a total mess. There's crap everywhere. And the chemicals in the fresh paint on our walls made me charf all day yesterday. Not cool.
Third, today (Wednesday) was Cory's birthday. I got him an XM Roady 2-- the cheap XM radio. And I took him out to dinner (Texas Roadhouse, his favorite) and drinks (Buffalo Wild Wings... they're the only place in Columbus that serves Labatt Blue). And I got him an Ice Cream Cake from Bruster's. Am I the bestgirlfriend fiance in the world or what?
Fourth, I spent an entire day last week trying to build a tabletop fountain at the pottery studio. It looked pretty cool. But I screwed up and one big part of it broke off when I went to check on it today. Crap.
Finally, have I mentioned that my mother hates me? I won't get into the details here... but no doubt about it, she hates me.
First of all, I tried blogging before the finale of Rock Star: INXS last night. I wanted to list our predictions for posterity's sake. But then Blogger ate my damn post. So here's our predictions, a day late:
1) After Suzie was eliminated last week, Cory said "I think they'll pick J.D.-- but Marty will be much more successful in the long term."
2) My prediction: "I predict that if J.D. becomes the new lead singer, I'll never buy another INXS album."
So J.D. won and INXS will never grace my shopping cart again... but Marty got the consolation prize: The band is considering having him as the opening act on their next world tour. Not a bad deal. I'd go to that concert a) to see Marty perform-- and b) to see the look of regret in the band's eyes when they have to take the stage with that psychopath jerkoff J.D.
Second, Cory and I are back in our apartment. It's a total mess. There's crap everywhere. And the chemicals in the fresh paint on our walls made me charf all day yesterday. Not cool.
Third, today (Wednesday) was Cory's birthday. I got him an XM Roady 2-- the cheap XM radio. And I took him out to dinner (Texas Roadhouse, his favorite) and drinks (Buffalo Wild Wings... they're the only place in Columbus that serves Labatt Blue). And I got him an Ice Cream Cake from Bruster's. Am I the best
Fourth, I spent an entire day last week trying to build a tabletop fountain at the pottery studio. It looked pretty cool. But I screwed up and one big part of it broke off when I went to check on it today. Crap.
Finally, have I mentioned that my mother hates me? I won't get into the details here... but no doubt about it, she hates me.
Labels: television, the daily grind
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