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Sunday, February 22, 2004

Just Hide

Ugh. I just read what might be the worst book ever.

Let me preface this by saying that I know James Patterson isn't the greatest writer on the planet. He writes very short, simplistic sentences, and his characters never run very deep. However, I think his books are usually well-plotted. The Alex Cross mysteries are usually fairly suspenseful (the movies Kiss the Girls and Along Came a Spider were both based on his books).

But then, along came Hide and Seek.

I can't even begin to describe how awful this book is. The blurb on the back cover used phrases like "...His most brilliantly realized thriller..." "A story that will shatter your expectations..."

Ummm, yeah. It shattered my expectations, all right. I never would have expected a book this poorly crafted. But I had to finish it. It was kind of like a train wreck... I knew it was wrong, but I just couldn't stop reading it.

I should be a writer. I could turn out crap more compelling than that.


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