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My Recent "Tweets"

Tuesday, August 26, 2003

You Call This A Vacation???

Lucky me, I get to spend another day of my so-called "vacation" at work!

Auburn's football press conferences are on Tuesdays, and evidently there isn't anyone available to cover for me while I'm on vacation, so it's off to Auburn I go.
Actually, having to go in on my day off isn't the frustrating part... The frustrating part is that nobody could tell me if I had to go or not... so I had to get up early just to call around and find out if I have to go in today. And even better, the person who gets to make the decision called in sick today. I didn't even think people in our department were allowed to call in sick. I work in a two-person department, so I always have to come in to work when I'm at death's door.

Yeah, I know... I'm a whiner. But my "week's vacation" has turned into 3 1/2 days of vacation. Can I help it if that ticks me off???


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