Only in Florida
Now normally, I find owls to be a little creepy. And those old ladies who's homes are decorated with thousands and thousands of macrame owls are even creepier.
But burrowing owls are pretty cute. They're less than a foot tall, they live in little holes in people's lawns (thus the name), they have beautiful lemon-yellow eyes, and their little babies (owlets? owlings?) are fluffy.
And in our neighborhood, like much of the Cape, they're everywhere.
Since burrowing owls are a protected species, we have a group called the "friends of wildlife" that go around marking owl nests, so that people know where they are and the owls don't get disturbed. After all, it would suck to have someone with a big lawnmower mow down your house.
Well, last weekend, we had a Columbus Day parade downtown. It was pretty sad, but there were a few funny moments. And one of them happened when the "Friends of Wildlife" rode by:
The video quality is pretty poor, I know. So if you can't figure it out, it's an "owl" in the back of a convertible. And an "owl" riding a segway.
Good times.
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