Hide! It's the Grammar Police!
Ok, so I've been accused of being a "Grammar Nazi" more than once in my life. And I admit, it drives me absolutely crazy to see misplaced apostrophes, commas, and quotation marks. Sure, it's one thing in a hastily scribbled note, and I'm willing to let one or two little incidents slide-- but it absolutely drives me crazy when the people who goofed presumably know better.
For example, about a month ago, I was watching tv when I saw a promo for MY SHOW. There I was, on the boob-tube with my co-workers, talking about high school football. Then came the dreaded text:
Friday's at 11:15
Really? Friday's? I wasn't aware that "Friday" owned anything.
It was after 5pm, so I knew that if I called the station, nobody in charge would be there. Instead, I immediately typed an email to my boss, to the promotions manager, and to the news director. The promo was corrected the next day.
But here's the worst part. The email I got back from the promotions manager (thanking me for noticing the error) said one word:
I sh*t you not. And I'm pretty sure he wasn't joking.
I know that some of my friends (ahem... Cory and Melissa) feel the same way that I do about poor punctuation... and now, I've found many more, at The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks (ironic use of quotation marks intended).
Maybe I should start a companion-- The Blog of Misplaced Apostrophe's (once again, irony intended).
For example, about a month ago, I was watching tv when I saw a promo for MY SHOW. There I was, on the boob-tube with my co-workers, talking about high school football. Then came the dreaded text:
Friday's at 11:15
Really? Friday's? I wasn't aware that "Friday" owned anything.
It was after 5pm, so I knew that if I called the station, nobody in charge would be there. Instead, I immediately typed an email to my boss, to the promotions manager, and to the news director. The promo was corrected the next day.
But here's the worst part. The email I got back from the promotions manager (thanking me for noticing the error) said one word:
I sh*t you not. And I'm pretty sure he wasn't joking.
I know that some of my friends (ahem... Cory and Melissa) feel the same way that I do about poor punctuation... and now, I've found many more, at The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks (ironic use of quotation marks intended).
Maybe I should start a companion-- The Blog of Misplaced Apostrophe's (once again, irony intended).
Labels: Being the Sportslady, blogging, web stuff
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