Bad Bloggers Anonymous
Hello, my name is Sportslady, and I'm a bad blogger. I haven't had a blog in 11 days. To be honest, I haven't blogged for a couple of reasons... First, I've been really, really busy, and second, I've been kind of depressed. Either way, I didn't need to drag y'all into it.
So, I'll sum up the last week and a half:
The Bad:
Hello, my name is Sportslady, and I'm a bad blogger. I haven't had a blog in 11 days. To be honest, I haven't blogged for a couple of reasons... First, I've been really, really busy, and second, I've been kind of depressed. Either way, I didn't need to drag y'all into it.
So, I'll sum up the last week and a half:
The Bad:
- Spending Thanksgiving at work.
- Spending Thanksgiving alone, for the third time in four years. At least I didn't eat at Shoney's or Denny's like two of the last three.
- Family Crap.
- The Girlie Men Express losing in Week 11 to Chuck's Senior Citizens.
- Two airport runs... one of which included a three-hour delay at the airport, the other being a crack-of-dawn trip before I had to work a 12-hour day.
- Working several 12-hour days, then coming in on one of my days off, trying to get material together for a massive SEC Championship Game preview extravaganza.
- Having some inconsiderate asswipe at work come into my office, remove several tapes from my desk and erase all the material that I put together on my extra-long days and one of my days off.
- Having to then come in on my other day off to re-produce all the materials that I'd put in all those extra hours creating.
- Finding out that I'll have to work on the night of the station Christmas party, therefore missing my third Christmas party in four years.
- Pottery class ending. I was really starting to enjoy my Thursday nights.
The Good:
- Finally seeing Spiderman 2 (albeit alone).
- Being invited to Thanksgiving dinner at a co-worker's house. I only got to stay briefly, but the food was delicious and it was nice to spend time with "grown-ups" (most of my co-workers average about 23 years old).
- Cory bought me a present when he was out of town. Sure, it's only a shirt, but it was nice of him to bring me something. (His mom bought me yet another fiberoptic snowman figurine... but I'd rather not discuss that. It's the thought that counts, right? Right???)
- Buying a new vaccuum cleaner. Seriously. That made me kind of happy. (and by the way, why do people call it a "vaccuum cleaner?" You don't clean vaccuums with it.)
- The Girlie Men Express avenging an early season loss to the Kirksville Vikings in Week 12, despite injuries to Tyrone Wheatley, Ahman Green, and Plaxico Burress.
- My very nice co-worker, Scrgetta, helped me to re-produce all those stories that were lost. And yes, I spelled her name correctly. I've mentioned the appalling lack of vowels in her name, and she still likes me. Go figure.
I think that probably summarizes the last few weeks fairly well. I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
Labels: fantasy football, sports
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