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Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Oh, Happy Day

Let it be known that as of today, November 9, 2004, Cory and I have been together for exactly four years.

So, you might ask, how are we spending the big day?

Well, I'm currently on my dinner break in the middle of a 14-hour work day. Cory couldn't take his dinner break with me because he had to spend it teaching a class of high school kids.

I've seen him for a grand total of about five minues today.

I did, however, buy him the nicest gift that $4.00 can buy-- a large lemonade from Toomer's Drugs in Auburn, Alabama.

(Addendum... Cory didn't even deserve the lemonade. After telling me several times that he'd have to work late tonight, I stuck around after the newscast, doing some busy work that I'd much rather wait and do tomorrow. By 12:20, I finally started looking for him, to tell him I'd be ready to go in about 15 minutes. And yet, I couldn't find him anywhere in the building. So, I called home. Sure enough, he'd snuck home while I was anchoring the news and didn't bother to tell me he was leaving. So, after working a 14-hour day, I sat around at work for an extra hour... for absolutely no reason. )



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