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Sunday, July 27, 2003

Why Don't They Just Learn The Words?

Last week, as I was re-potting some plants out front, I pondered taking down our hummingbird feeder. It's been up since early March, and I haven't seen a single hummer yet this year. The little red plastic flowers are faded from the sun, and I haven't changed their sugar-water in a while, so it's probably all nasty and fermented. I left the feeder up, primarily because I was too lazy to take it down.

Today, I got rewarded. Cory called me at work to tell me he saw a hummingbird. When I got home from work, there were four, all Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds, waiting for me at the feeder and in the trees around our apartment. Only problem is, I still haven't changed the hum-juice. So they're probably all drunk off the fermented crappy swill in the feeder. If I see them hiccuping or weaving around, I guess I'll know. What exactly is the drinking age for hummingbirds, anyway?

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