552 miles... 1 million more smiles.

My Recent "Tweets"

Thursday, August 07, 2008

So many things to write about...

...so little time.

I've been pretty busy at work lately, with the Grand Opening late last month, the trip to Colorado a week ago, and budget time rolling around. It feels like all the time I spend away from the office, I'm either napping or trying to catch up on the TiVo. And yet, I never get enough sleep... and the TiVo is still jam-packed.

I have a few quick thoughts, though.

First, I've taken upon myself to try to avoid Wal-Mart until after the presidential election. It's not going to be easy, I can assure you. I can readily steer clear of the Supercenter (and very happily do so), but avoiding the "neighborhood market" just down the street will be tough. It's open 24 hours. And the prices there are much lower than any of the other nearby grocery stores. But I really don't like the fact that they told their employees how to vote. Three months is a long time.... we'll see how long I last before I cave in to their "falling prices."

Second, my love affair with Brett Favre is officially over. Of course, he never knew it existed. This last month has made me realize that his ego is just as big... if not bigger... than the rest of the players in the NFL. Oh-- he's still adorable. But he's a bit of a weenie. I guess it's time for me to retire the Brett Favre jersey.

Third, since I've had numerous people mention it to me, I have to make an "only in Florida" post. I hesitated to post it because it was all over CNN for the last couple of days, but what the hell. Did you hear about the guy who called 911 about a Subway emergency? No-- not a terrorist atttack on an underground train. A Subway restaurant emergency. Apparently, his sub didn't have enough sauce. Even better... when police didn't arrive after his first call, he called again to complain that they were taking too long.

Somehow, this state still finds ways to surprise me.

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