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Monday, January 29, 2007

No Happy Endings...

For the last several days, I've been following the plight of Barbaro, the Kentucky Derby winner who stole the hearts of horse-lovers worldwide. I haven't posted about it, because, quite frankly, it was too depressing.

Barbaro had several new and risky procedures performed over the weekend, and this morning, had to be euthanized.

I've always found animal tragedy to be much more harrowing than human tragedy. Show me a news segment about a man who gets dragged to death behind a car, and I'm disgusted. Show me a news segment about a dog who gets dragged to death behind a car, and I'm traumatized for days.

My co-worker, Randy, says I feel that way because animals are more defenseless than humans. Honestly, I think it's because I don't like people very much. Why do you think I don't want kids?

At least I know I'm not the only one. One of the anchors at Cory's station broke down in tears a few weeks ago on the air when doing a story about a pet spa that burned down, killing seven dogs.

Along the same lines, I find inspirational stories about animals far more moving than inspirational stories about humans. That's one of the reasons I found Barbaro's plight so compelling. For eight months, he had the heart of a champion, and it really looked like he was going to make it.

Okay. Confession time. Remember the Budweiser commercial from a few years ago-- the one with the little donkey that wanted to grow up to be a clydesdale and pull the Budweiser wagon? (If you don't remember it, watch it here.)

Cute commercial, right? Honest to God, I cried. Seriously.

By the way, I've seen previews of Budweiser's Super Bowl commercials for this year-- there's a dalmation puppy that's already stolen my heart.

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