Trend Setter
If you've been an observant blog reader, you've probably noticed the growing list of other groovy blogs in the left-hand column of this page. All of a sudden, there's been a blogger boom in our fair little hamlet, especially among its media types. (I should note that Burkard's Blog of Columbus, Georgia has been around as long as this blog... but for some reason I kept forgetting to link to it.)
A few months ago, I stumbled across Basil's Blog... and after reading several posts, was stunned to realize that I actually know the infamous Basil (His actual identity is a closely guarded secret. I could tell you who he really is... but then I'd have to kill you). I should note that Basil is not a media type.
In the last month or so, all of a sudden, we've had a blogsplosion. Suddenly Kaos and Swag have their own little pieces of the blog pie. That's ok... even if they do work at that other TV station in town, they're pretty cool guys. Then TarHeelTV started. Then it was TVwannabe. Not to mention our rambling pal in East Alabama. Oh... and another former media-type is Hoppin'Thoughts alongside her husband, Wedge. I've never actually met either of them, but they love hockey, so they're OK by me!
I might add, though I wasn't the first (Cory was... though I'm the one that encouraged him to start blogging), I take full credit. Unless they start pissing people off. Then it's all Cory's fault.
If you've been an observant blog reader, you've probably noticed the growing list of other groovy blogs in the left-hand column of this page. All of a sudden, there's been a blogger boom in our fair little hamlet, especially among its media types. (I should note that Burkard's Blog of Columbus, Georgia has been around as long as this blog... but for some reason I kept forgetting to link to it.)
A few months ago, I stumbled across Basil's Blog... and after reading several posts, was stunned to realize that I actually know the infamous Basil (His actual identity is a closely guarded secret. I could tell you who he really is... but then I'd have to kill you). I should note that Basil is not a media type.
In the last month or so, all of a sudden, we've had a blogsplosion. Suddenly Kaos and Swag have their own little pieces of the blog pie. That's ok... even if they do work at that other TV station in town, they're pretty cool guys. Then TarHeelTV started. Then it was TVwannabe. Not to mention our rambling pal in East Alabama. Oh... and another former media-type is Hoppin'Thoughts alongside her husband, Wedge. I've never actually met either of them, but they love hockey, so they're OK by me!
I might add, though I wasn't the first (Cory was... though I'm the one that encouraged him to start blogging), I take full credit. Unless they start pissing people off. Then it's all Cory's fault.
Labels: blogging, sports, the daily grind
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