Getting Personal
People send me these damn things all the time... usually I just ignore them, but since Cory sent this one, I figure it deserves some kind of response. So rather than annoying the hell out of my friends, I'm just posting it here. That way, your e-mailboxes are safe from the excess clutter.
I'm leaving Cory's responses on the questionnaire... his are in italics and blue, mine are in the bold purple. Isn't that cute? Pink(ish) for the girl, blue for the boy. Can't say I'm not original!
1. What is your occupation? Professional Sportslady (Promotions Producer)
2. What color is your underwear? Usually White. Boring, huh? (Preferably black)
3. What are you listening to now? I've been singing along to Def Leppard's "Rock of Ages: The Definitive Collection" a lot lately. (Foo, Coldplay, Elvis Costello, Interpol, you know...good stuff)
4 What was the last thing you ate? Pizza at the "Mellow Mushroom" Ham, Tomatoes, and Mushrooms. (Cape Cod Chips....goooood.)
5. Do you wish on stars? It depends on how desperate I am for good luck... so lately, I've been doing it a lot. (Naah...)
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? You know that crappy white crayon that you never, ever use? That's me! (fuchia)
7. How is the weather right now? Okay. It isn't too hot because it's dark out, and it hasn't rained in the last few hours. (Bordering on bad....hurricane Dennis is knocking...good otherwise.)
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Jan and Steve... it was a joint effort. (My mother)
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I'd better. I'm planning on marrying him someday. (Yup...she's aiight.)
10. How old are you today? 35. Ugh. (28)
11. Favorite drink? There was a bar in Kirksville that served a drink called the "crash and burn." They served it in a fishbowl. Very tasty. (Fresh squeezed Lemonade from legendary Toomer's Drugs in Auburn, AL....heaven in a cup.)
12. Favorite sport to watch? Hockey... and it's back, baby!!! (Chiefs football, yo)
13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Various shades of blonde most of my adult life-- plus brief bouts with red, brown and black. However, I haven't colored my hair in over a year, now... not even highlights! (Blonde highlights in college, and working in the greenhouse.)
14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Both. (Yes)
15. Pets? (My sweet, sweet Zoe) Ditto. I love that Cory loves her so much. By the way, she turned 10 last week!
16. Favorite month? Probably June. I usually get to take some time off in June because it's a slow month for sports. (September...I guess. Football season.)
17. Favorite food? Pineapple. (Chinese)
18. What was the last movie you watched? "Sin City." It was beautifully done, though probably an asquired taste. (In the theater - War of the Worlds...Intense. At home - Seabiscuit (again) )
19. Favorite day of the year? Any day that Cory and I have a day off together. It only happens about 10 times a year. (Christmas.)
20. What do you do to vent anger? Cry. (Listen to music, maim, pillage, plunder...all those medieval instincts.)
21. What was your favorite toy as a child? I had a lot of stuffed animals... I think my favorites were probably Snoopy and a stuffed lamb. (I was a big fan of my stuffed puppy Henry)
22. Fall or Spring? I used to say Fall, but since I started working in Sports, I've come to really dread high school football season because of all the extra hours I work. (Spring (Fall means that Christmas is just one step closer) )
23. Hugs or kisses? Hugs. But I'm not opposed to kisses. (Hugs)
24. Cherry or Blueberry? Cherry (cherry)
25. Do you want your friends to email you back? Since I'm not actually emailing this to anyone, I guess not. (yes.)
26. Who is most likely to respond? (The Sportslady) nice to know he has so much faith in me.
27. Who is least likely to respond? Cory, since he's the one who sent this to me in the first place. (Josh)
28. Living arrangements? (Townhouse with The Sportslady and Zoe) What a coincidence. I live in a townhouse with Cory and Zoe.
29. When was the last time you cried? This afternoon. (Drop of a hat....seriously, my bro's wedding...such a little softie.)
30. What is on the floor of your closet? Very little. Most of it's on the floor of every other room in the house! (What's not on the floor of my closet?)
31. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Anne. Since 7th Grade. (Jaime....pretty much since birth, when you think about it...)
32. What did you do last night? Went to the movies. (Took in the sights at Myrtle Beach, SC....ate at Dick's Last Resort...the usual.)
33. Favorite smell? The smell of cookies baking. By the way, Cory's answer will probably make you barf... (The Sportlady's skin....(Sappy, I know...but, oh so true))
34. What inspires you? The Olympics (the thought that I could help others)
35. What are you afraid of? Being alone. (taking risks)
36. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese and pickles. (cheese topped with ketchup....a simple man indeed.)
37. Favorite car? Those Pontiac Solstices are just so darn cute! (Ferrari....can't really get into one, though...maybe that's why I like it.)
38. Favorite dog breed? St. Bernard. Except smaller. And with less slobber. I'm really more of a cat person. (Boxer)
39. Number of keys on your key ring? Six. But I only use two of them. (8 (I've always said you can judge responsibility by the number of keys you have))
40. How many years at your current job? It'll be four years in October. (3 and a half in C-Town, 6 years total.)
41. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday, because it's usually either my day off or the last day of my work-week. (Saturday)
42. How many states have you lived in? Five- Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Iowa, and Georgia. (Two - Missouri & Georgia (Show Me - Peaches))
43. How many cities have you lived in? I'm not sure exactly, but here are the seven that I can think of-- North Grafton, Hopkinton, Rochester Hills, Mt. Pleasant, Kirksville, Ottumwa, and C-Town. (3 - Kirksville, C-Town, Warrensburg, and Kansas City (Blue Springs)...seems like more...)
People send me these damn things all the time... usually I just ignore them, but since Cory sent this one, I figure it deserves some kind of response. So rather than annoying the hell out of my friends, I'm just posting it here. That way, your e-mailboxes are safe from the excess clutter.
I'm leaving Cory's responses on the questionnaire... his are in italics and blue, mine are in the bold purple. Isn't that cute? Pink(ish) for the girl, blue for the boy. Can't say I'm not original!
1. What is your occupation? Professional Sportslady (Promotions Producer)
2. What color is your underwear? Usually White. Boring, huh? (Preferably black)
3. What are you listening to now? I've been singing along to Def Leppard's "Rock of Ages: The Definitive Collection" a lot lately. (Foo, Coldplay, Elvis Costello, Interpol, you know...good stuff)
4 What was the last thing you ate? Pizza at the "Mellow Mushroom" Ham, Tomatoes, and Mushrooms. (Cape Cod Chips....goooood.)
5. Do you wish on stars? It depends on how desperate I am for good luck... so lately, I've been doing it a lot. (Naah...)
6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? You know that crappy white crayon that you never, ever use? That's me! (fuchia)
7. How is the weather right now? Okay. It isn't too hot because it's dark out, and it hasn't rained in the last few hours. (Bordering on bad....hurricane Dennis is knocking...good otherwise.)
8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Jan and Steve... it was a joint effort. (My mother)
9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? I'd better. I'm planning on marrying him someday. (Yup...she's aiight.)
10. How old are you today? 35. Ugh. (28)
11. Favorite drink? There was a bar in Kirksville that served a drink called the "crash and burn." They served it in a fishbowl. Very tasty. (Fresh squeezed Lemonade from legendary Toomer's Drugs in Auburn, AL....heaven in a cup.)
12. Favorite sport to watch? Hockey... and it's back, baby!!! (Chiefs football, yo)
13. Have you ever dyed your hair? Various shades of blonde most of my adult life-- plus brief bouts with red, brown and black. However, I haven't colored my hair in over a year, now... not even highlights! (Blonde highlights in college, and working in the greenhouse.)
14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Both. (Yes)
15. Pets? (My sweet, sweet Zoe) Ditto. I love that Cory loves her so much. By the way, she turned 10 last week!
16. Favorite month? Probably June. I usually get to take some time off in June because it's a slow month for sports. (September...I guess. Football season.)
17. Favorite food? Pineapple. (Chinese)
18. What was the last movie you watched? "Sin City." It was beautifully done, though probably an asquired taste. (In the theater - War of the Worlds...Intense. At home - Seabiscuit (again) )
19. Favorite day of the year? Any day that Cory and I have a day off together. It only happens about 10 times a year. (Christmas.)
20. What do you do to vent anger? Cry. (Listen to music, maim, pillage, plunder...all those medieval instincts.)
21. What was your favorite toy as a child? I had a lot of stuffed animals... I think my favorites were probably Snoopy and a stuffed lamb. (I was a big fan of my stuffed puppy Henry)
22. Fall or Spring? I used to say Fall, but since I started working in Sports, I've come to really dread high school football season because of all the extra hours I work. (Spring (Fall means that Christmas is just one step closer) )
23. Hugs or kisses? Hugs. But I'm not opposed to kisses. (Hugs)
24. Cherry or Blueberry? Cherry (cherry)
25. Do you want your friends to email you back? Since I'm not actually emailing this to anyone, I guess not. (yes.)
26. Who is most likely to respond? (The Sportslady) nice to know he has so much faith in me.
27. Who is least likely to respond? Cory, since he's the one who sent this to me in the first place. (Josh)
28. Living arrangements? (Townhouse with The Sportslady and Zoe) What a coincidence. I live in a townhouse with Cory and Zoe.
29. When was the last time you cried? This afternoon. (Drop of a hat....seriously, my bro's wedding...such a little softie.)
30. What is on the floor of your closet? Very little. Most of it's on the floor of every other room in the house! (What's not on the floor of my closet?)
31. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Anne. Since 7th Grade. (Jaime....pretty much since birth, when you think about it...)
32. What did you do last night? Went to the movies. (Took in the sights at Myrtle Beach, SC....ate at Dick's Last Resort...the usual.)
33. Favorite smell? The smell of cookies baking. By the way, Cory's answer will probably make you barf... (The Sportlady's skin....(Sappy, I know...but, oh so true))
34. What inspires you? The Olympics (the thought that I could help others)
35. What are you afraid of? Being alone. (taking risks)
36. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese and pickles. (cheese topped with ketchup....a simple man indeed.)
37. Favorite car? Those Pontiac Solstices are just so darn cute! (Ferrari....can't really get into one, though...maybe that's why I like it.)
38. Favorite dog breed? St. Bernard. Except smaller. And with less slobber. I'm really more of a cat person. (Boxer)
39. Number of keys on your key ring? Six. But I only use two of them. (8 (I've always said you can judge responsibility by the number of keys you have))
40. How many years at your current job? It'll be four years in October. (3 and a half in C-Town, 6 years total.)
41. Favorite day of the week? Wednesday, because it's usually either my day off or the last day of my work-week. (Saturday)
42. How many states have you lived in? Five- Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Iowa, and Georgia. (Two - Missouri & Georgia (Show Me - Peaches))
43. How many cities have you lived in? I'm not sure exactly, but here are the seven that I can think of-- North Grafton, Hopkinton, Rochester Hills, Mt. Pleasant, Kirksville, Ottumwa, and C-Town. (3 - Kirksville, C-Town, Warrensburg, and Kansas City (Blue Springs)...seems like more...)
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