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My Recent "Tweets"

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Peachy Keen

Has anyone out there caught "Keen Eddie" yet? It's on Fox at 9:00 (ET) on Tuesdays, sort of an off-season replacement for "24" (an amazing show in it's own right).

Anyway, it's not a bad little show. It has kind of a Guy Ritchie-ish "Snatch" feel to it... a dark comedy, takes place in jolly ol' England, features quirky characters and bumbling criminals. Oh, and fans of Days of our Lives will note that Eddie is played by a former Jack Deveraux. He sucked as Smiling Jack, but he's pretty good on this show.

Oh, and my animal-luvin' readers will like the backstory on "Pete The Dog." In real life, he was rescued from a crack dealer. How cool is that?


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